Wat is de tering
If you could do something with your eyes closed or shut, you could do it very easily because you have done it many times. | |
Wat is de betekenis van Tering? | Tuberculose, de tering: aangetaste longen en vaccinatie De tering, TBC oftewel tuberculose komt in ons land niet veel meer voor, echter op reis kan men er in de wereld volop mee in aanraking komen. |
Tuberculose, de tering: aangetaste longen en vaccinatie | Ook gebruikt ter intensivering. |
Wat is de betekenis van Tering | . |
- TERING | translate Dutch to English - Cambridge Dictionary Definição de tering it's a disease that people use as swearword |It's an old name for tuberculosis. |It is a kind of swear word, expressing dislike. It means I definitely do not like .
- Tuberculose, de tering: aangetaste longen en vaccinatie | Mens en Gezondheid: Ziekten Need to translate "tering" from Dutch? Here are 4 possible meanings.
- Tering Nederlands woordenboek - consumption [noun] (medical) an old word for tuberculosis of the lungs. (Translation of tering from the PASSWORD Dutch–English Dictionary © K Dictionaries Ltd).
- tering [de ~ (v)] noun de tering (tuberculose ; longtering) the tuberculosis ; the phthisis ; the consumption of the lungs ; the T.B. ; the pulmonary consumption.