Ns personeelsverzekeringen
Ns personeelsverzekeringen contact
The profile of NS
The profile of NS | NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen is a public limited company under Dutch law. |
Section 1 General information and material accounting policies | The Group's activities consist mainly of passenger transport, the management and development of property and the operation of station locations. |
www.Nspersoneelsverzekeringen.nl | NS provides a broad range of services that go beyond train services. |
NS Annual Report | . |
- - Allianz Corporate NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen heads the group that includes the business units NS Operations (approximately 13, staff, on average, in ), Commerce & Development (approx. ), .
- Careers with NS International. NS International is the high-speed company of NS and will be the Dutch umbrella brand for high-speed trains such as ICE International, TGV and Eurostar. NS .
- As a major enterprise with a significant role in Dutch society, NS attaches great value to a high-quality governance structure. This is why NS applies the Dutch Corporate Governance Code .
- General Information .